Monthly Archives: December 2008

Tranquilness and IITians ……. Don’t be silly !


 Really sorry guys if the last post you read made you a bit negative. So now here are some quantums of positive breeze flowing through your screens! This post wouldn’t be confined to the topic alone. Infact I have got so many things to talk that I couldn’t get a precise tagline for that – so I simply borrowed my orkut caption and put it here. I would not waste much of your time, but before proceeding, please do read the tagline of my blog – For those only who want to read seriously.



       For a few days I was wondering how can someone define enjoyment at this miraculous heaven on earth – IITD. The roots of this curious thought come from the once spoken punching words by my classmate Akash Tulsani. He had said “Everyone here has put in relentless and sacrificing efforts for 2-3 years to reach this place. You simply ‘don’t have the right’ to call someone a Maggoo or to tag his life devoid of enjoyment.After all its an individual’s concern himself and you cant really comment his own choice of living.”

      Yup, it really gave a deep insight to me.Someone studying for 15 hours (or may be more) a day is definitely enjoying his studies.He just doesn’t have interest left in many things of the world which others may find interesting for themselves. He feels at the top of the world when he solves a question after an hour or so of brain tumouring ; nothing else can give him more enjoyment at that particular moment. Enjoyment is all about living to your fullest at  particular moment. Prolonged enjoment can hardly make your adrenaline rush.

     If someone enjoys while watching movies or playing games, that’s his/her own domain of enjoyment. Everyone has its own definition. In a lecture room itself, you can find many domains of that sort – students listening to profs seriously, students making videos, students smsing , all are enjoying their works. Everyone has freedom to choose his or her way of living. But just what Tulsani said “ You cant comment or challenge someone else’s way of living.”


Life is so large …………. Yet so small !

          Just ponder over what your life is. Seriously, if you have got time enough to read and think simultaneously, then only go on, otherwise you can read this whenever you are free, no probs. I would like you to feel as you read. You  are living at IIT (It doesn’t mean all this isnt for non-itians !) …….. living with so many experiences, ups and downs in your academic life, personal life. You are also a native of your country India ……….. think on a braoder level. Now just imagine yourself sitting somewhere in space from where you can clearly see the earth revolving round the sun. any imagery would work. Now think for a while……… Every year our lives undergo so many changes and experiences. Every year each one of us completes a revolution round the sun (Courtesy : Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam). How does our one year affects the solar system? This may seem arbit to a few, but no fault of theirs.Think a bit more. Time is the supreme controller of this Universe (may be there are many ……….. I don’t know!……….. u dont know either!). How does our lifespan affects the nature of this universe?

      What am I? Why and how I am a ‘living being’ on a tiny planet earth in this vast aura of space which I call in my language ……. “Universe” ! Who has made me ‘I’ and also is generous enough to give me power enough to think in that manner. So many undiscovered things are there in this universe, in this solar system, on the world itself, even in India …….. at IIT ! Life is such a transient moment in terms of divine Time ……….. we experience nothing before we die. But enjoyment is ‘living to the fullest at a moment’.

     So why not enjoy this moment called LIFE !!!!!!

     Just imagine ……….. when you are enjoying and chilling out yourself at the Insti Nesci with your friends ………. Someone is crying over his lost wife and children in Mumbai blasts , someone in the busy streets of Delhi dies in an accident, someone in a small town commits suicide on failing in an exam, a street begger returns home empty-handed, a labourers wife is weeping on being beaten up by her drunken husband, a girl is uncertain over her future when her boyfriend deserts her for someone else ………… a bhelpuri wala in Mumbai, a fisherman in Chennai, a tribal in Assam, a terrified common man in Jammu and Kashmir ………… what all they have in common when you are ‘chilling out’ .Just think for a minute. Does this mean you should stop ‘chilling’ ? NO, not at all. Its YOUR life , enjoy according to your own. What I mean to say is ……….. its not just your life living in this world, there are millions of lives. We should be considerate for everyone in this world, but should never forget that we have a life of our own too. Its not selfishness. Every life has a responsibility of living to the best. And if that happens, it would be such a great world to live on .( a tiny invisible spot in the universe !)

           Think again………. When you are crying …….. this time, totally depressed and frustrated from your life ……… somewhere a boy is at its zenith when he succesfully proposes a lovely girl, somewhere a couple is getting married, somewhere a baby is born, a Bday is being celebrated, Sachin is winning a match for India, life and smiles are returning back to Mumbai ……… chicks are hatching , leaves are breezing …………

          Moments are not the same for everyone, life is. I said “Life is a moment” and here I contradict myself !


         I didn’t write a single word on what the topic was ! Koi baat nahi , hota hai hota hai ! I don’t want to quantize this topic further, would just say that when you loose something from your life, you become strong, but when you loose the biggest assets from your life, you become stronger than ever before. I mean by these words guys, coz I have experienced that ( obviously at a very very small scale though 🙂 ). What all we require is, be happy and enjoy our life in whatever way it comes to us ………. Tranquilness will come itself ……… even at IITD !

              I don’t know what I concluded from all this rubbish which I have written. I myself concluded nothing, just wrote what I felt. Please don’t give comments on how I wrote (I know I have written nice!). But what I want is, please comment on what you feel on these things.

       Live life to its fullest !!!!!!

Next blog soon ………


Snehil Basoya said : “ Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics is never followed in friendship and love.”

Acknowledgements –

Certain tragic and tough situations going on in my academic and my personal life ……….. coz of which I am bound to think the way i have written all this post !


Posted by on December 16, 2008 in Uncategorized


Hi everyone !

Hi ……… since i have changed my blog address , so i have copied my previous articles together here ………. the following posts were originally posted in October ……….. i will soon post next ones !


keep reading !


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Posted by on December 4, 2008 in Uncategorized


How to mess up your exams in IIT ?

Finally , i am returning after a long time , thanks to the Minor-2 examinations being conducted in Indian Institute of Technology , New Delhi. Now may be there is a general conception (or rather misconception) among common people that iitians are very intelligent ( is it so ! ) and more and more people kep falling prey to this irony. However , after the heroic intervention of Mr.Chetan Bhagat , this mentality is considerably getting reduced.

Returning to the topic , i must first of all admit that my Minor-1 didnt go well, so i was may be more determined this time to fill up the compensation. Also , having already devoted a lot of time in Rendezvous Street Play event , there was much less time left for me to cover up the syllabus. If that was not enough , there came occasional advises from ever caring seniors such as padh lo fachcho and reminding us countless times how our Aravali Hostel portrays utter miserable glories in terms of academic history.

So thenafter started a new beginning ……….. a completely contrasting life than ever before . Reduced sleeps , sudden occasional determinations , race to complete the syllabus as soon as possible (which never happens), running before padhakoos in desperate hope to copy assignments and tuts, missing SKG’s ( we call him balloo ) ruthless lectures with the mercy of only useful thing in IIT-D …….. proxy , just to study the same subject better at home, late night group studies where someone takes the responsibility of teaching a particular subject ( in most cases it is the same person everytime ) to all others compressed in the already congested rooms, and what not . And the last week before minors goes like a DO BEFORE YOU DIE scenario. You try to study unsuccessfully in your hostel room , then you step out for Reading Room 500 meters far away , just to find a tranquil place to study in.

However all your dreams vanish as the once serene IIT Reading Room has already lost its divinity , and has rather become a meeting place for guys and gals (the peculiar location of reading room in IIT-D campus divides the line joining boys and girls hostel in approx 2:1 ratio , 2 from the boys side).Then you switch over to library , where you keep searching for a vacant table. Most of the times , tables are singly occupied by girls, so you think for a moment to give company to them , but then you remember suddenly that tomorrow is your minor and you cant afford that pleasure. In search of a lonely place , you end up measuring the whole perimeter of the double storey library. Thus , dissappointed , you step out of the air-conditioned aroma , spend 5-20 rupees at Nescafe , search for someone with whom you can share your grief , and turn back to the hostel. By the time you realise that hostel was the best place to study , its already dinner time !

I tried my best this time to score well , but somehow , i am left again with the option of improving more and more. I felt there are a few reasons why we students arent able to score good marks when we all know we can.

1)Firstly , the most important thing …… what and how to study. During a night-out , you may think that you are studying all the important things , but you may completely be on a different track (which you obviously realise 1 hour before the exam) . There is an undescribable and unseen panic within you , which is not visible , but which creates a chaos in your brain , thus diverting you from thinking in the right direction.

2) Secondly, most of the students have always been in a habit of studying alone at home , i mean , not in a group of friends. Here in hostel , you can never ever study single. I am not against group study …… groups can be much more productive than individual mugging , but such a thing ends up being an ‘ideal’ phenomenon. You are most of the times engaged in notorious trivial discussions.
However , its upto us how we manage it. After all, you have to live 4 years in the same hostel with same friends , so you cant make that excuse. From Minor-2, i learnt that group study is the most powerful tool in crisis when you dont know anything! and trivial talks before exams can never end , they can only be reduced , and such a thing comes from maturity as you become habitual to the IIT system.

3) Attending lectures is among the foremost problem in IIT-D. ‘Proxy devta’ is always there to help you. I didnt attend the lectures properly and i dearly paid for that.

4) The most important reason perhaps , you find it harder than ever to revive the same passion within you regarding studies which you had inhibited while cracking JEE . Studies automatically come on your 2nd or 3rd priority and you get more inclined towards some other activity which you feel more enjoyable. There is no one to tell you to study , and hence , full liberty is taken out of liberty. There are people who still study with same uniqueness even in IIT , and those are the ones who are among the undoubted toppers , and they definitely deserve that. Thourough study is missing , and you study a night before just to get marks.
……………… but everyone isnt smart enough to break records in one night !

I dont know why i wrote down this post , and still i dont know how to end it. May be there was nothing new here , but i intended to write , hence i wrote. Its upto you how you would like to sum it up ………


Posted by on December 3, 2008 in Uncategorized


Life at IITD …….. a marvellous blend

I often remember the days when i was preparing for IIT JEE , the way i used to motivate myself hundreds of times , the way i faced so many psychological upheavals and all that sort of stuff. Now , being at IIT finally makes me often think if this is truly the place which i dreamt of , and if this is exactly the case , then what have i achieved in my life so far or what have i experienced in the past 2 months in this place where thousands aspire to be .

When i decided to write a blog , i did it due to 3 reasons-

1) Its a long time back when i left my writing skills , so i was in a long desire to revive my hobby of writing.

2) I dont know why , but i often feel that i am able to think quite differently from others on an issue. However , i am not a great democrat or a debator who lists out khatakhat points on any issue given to him in seconds. Nor i am that fast enough. I take time to think , may be a lot more time than others , but eventually , i am able to think differently. I dont think on topics which require arguments , i think on topics which i feel are important to me , or my life , or my philosophy. May be blog is a good medium to express watever u feel on whatever !

3) Deeply inspired by the popularity of the already Superhit blog of my good friend Himanshu Geed ! May be this could have been the reason number 1 , but though i admit that instantaneous reason is the same , but the basis was already formed much before.

Now , returning to my topic , IIT – i dont aspire my blog to be read by people ( i didnt say that i dont aspire at all !) The thing is that i do want that people read my thoughts , but i really wouldnt care whether they like or dislike it .I live in my own world , and truly speaking , i am often criticised on that by my friends. But i am myself , and i enjoy to be that way.In this post , i will be writing down some of the negative , or rather u may better say , unexpected things ( to me ) in IIT Delhi-

1)Hostel – Life at IIT sucks ( or Fucks ! as people say ). Yes , it is true . You will find it impossible to study in hostel in a 3-in-a-room scenario. My hostel definitely gives me an impression of a dharmshala type of accomodation , where u have to bath with doors open , u have to eat the same routine food daily and u have to live in the ultra-congested rooms which can even inherit 10-15 persons in a room of 3, depending on how many of them wish to waste whole of their nights in never-ending gossips ( containing 90% uncensored stuff and where half of the time u get to hear variety of Hindi versions of ‘fucking’ words ).

2) Girls –The most important burning (and may be …… alarming !) problem in IIT being the deadly ‘Sex Ratio’ (8:1 , as researches have revealed ). This is the sole reason why half of the innocent freshers ( innocent in the sense , as those poor chaps were busy for 2 years mugging for JEE ) turn into “Typical Chetan Bhagat’s version of an IITian”. I am not saying all are innocent. I mean , u cant expect boys to be innocent every time …………. hey man ………. why am i deviating from my topic , yes ………… sex ratio .May be IITians could have been better individuals ‘socially’ if there were more girls in this prestigious institution. See , i am not here for a debate .Comments are most welcome , but i am not going to reply on them ! Such is thing is definitely open for introspection. ………. ok , another idea , i will be covering up this topic in another separate post , so just forget whatever !

3)Studies – Wow ! u simply dont know how to extract time for ur studies , i mean , there is a lot to do in IIT then u could have ever have imagined ! ……………. You can be a Rock On ! fame music maestro , or can be one of the best debators of the country participating in several national and international debates , even in parliamentory form ! U can devote whole of ur life at IIT in Dramatics , where several avenues of oppurtunities are waiting for u ! Even the Film Making Club is another of several of the large scale societies which make you feel that yes , u are at IIT Delhi !

4)Professors- now this is the worst part of IIT system. They make you sleep like never before , they frustrate you , they tease you , they always make you feel that you should not have been here. There is hardly any professor whose lectures you would like to attend. Each and every lecture in IIT is attended to complete the formality of attendence ( even required 75% is a torture).Ultimately , u have to study of your own. Moreover , lecture theatres are air-conditioned to make we students more comfortable to take 1 hour naps.

5)Where my time goes ! – You simply dont know what u are doing after classes at 5 and before dinner at 7 ! What i mean to say thru this absurd analogy is that the only thing u can figure out here is that life runs extremely fast , and by the time u realise it , it gets too late ! Obviously , when u are busy in dramatics , or even EDLC , and in attending phone calls, and in attending ruthless lectures throughout the day , and then in the remaining time , trying to study , your 7 days of a week pass with the speed of light. You even dont have time to think where your time is going !

However , IIT is not just about shortcomings , it depends on you how you take your mark over it.

1)Hostel –You cant expect a five-star hotel for your accomodation.What if water is not avilable in bathrooms often , or doors of toilets are broken . Thousands of people in India live in pathetic conditions and we at IIT arent that stud that we cant compromise. And regarding so-called night conferences , if you feel you should not be among those 10-15 , u are most welcome to leave .

2)Girls – Mind it , i will require a separate post for it.

3)Studies – Why are you here in IIT ? Just for an excuse that you were mugging for 2 years , does it mean that the authority will expell you from studying here. You yourself would have to extract time , and its up to you how you manage that.

4)Professors – Only thing i can say is ………. Compromise.

5) My time is with me ! – This can probably be the most positive aspect of IIT life. IIT teaches you the ultimate in itself – Time Management. How you have to keep a balanced check over how much time you spent on recreation , on assignments , in rectaurents , in masti …….. and even in blogging !

The main thing is that IIT teaches you life ……………….. i can guarentee anyone that my life of 4 years here is definitely going to be somewhat special , in some sense or the other !
Because I Am Myself ……………………..

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Posted by on December 3, 2008 in Uncategorized


Hi , I am Snehil

this compound can originally be discovered in a small city of Meerut, in the calm outskirts of the town. However , now these deposits have been permanently shifted to a mysterious place named IIT Delhi from where you can find it 26 out of 30 days ( rest being in meerut ). At IIT-D , you can find this compound anywhere ………… most of the times sleeping for horribly long hours in the hostel room , or taking brief naps in intentionally air-conditioned lecture theatres , or at nescafe spilling money in trivial ice teas , muffins and badam milks , or sometimes in rare cases in library or Reading Room on days preceding minors , majors and quizes. For most of the time , this compound is busy reacting with Street Play or attending phone calls ………

This compound can be extensively prepared by mixing varied compositions of talketiveness , silence, cheerfulness , mysteriousness , style statement , a lot of talent ……… and so on .Chemical formula is variable and har not been defined yet ……………

Physical Properties
1) Once upon a time , the compound was a fatso , then transition took place ( thanks to a long break after JEE ) and it build up a few muscles , and now , being already two months in IIT , has lost 15 kgs and presently , is in a miserable stage.

2)Many scientists have concluded that the compound often looks smart when attention is paid on its proper grooming and chemical reactions are carried out clean shaven and with long hair.

3)Has a good voice (when the compound is alone ), is a good actor ( dramebaaz) , a good poet (proficient in creating meaningless hagge ) , and the list continues ………………..

Chemical Properties
1)The compound hardly produces vigorous reactions , being utra cool and composed , reactions are rarely exothermic.

2)The compound always looks for an oppurtunity to leave its mark wherever it goes ; always seeking to do something unique to bring itself in notice.

3)Is a great philosopher and psychologist of its own.

4)Its reactions with various people interestingly have produced all different results ………. some consider it a worthless compound with boring essence , while for some , it is a major source of cheerfulness.

5)The compound is often blamed for being overconfident and rude to others ………… reason is yet to be discovered.

6)Daydreaming is the most important element found in it , in much more amounts as compared to other compounds of its family.

7)Any exposure to some undesired or unexpected comments from a friend results in tears accompanied by change in voice and spontaneous change in colour of the face.

So this was a brief introduction to myself , may be it was a bit awkward , not ‘a bit’ , but a lot awkward , but friends please forgive me , being my first ever blog entry , copyrights are reserved with myself . However , i will try not to be foolish in coming posts …………….

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Posted by on December 3, 2008 in Uncategorized


Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

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Posted by on December 3, 2008 in Uncategorized