Snehil Calling Snehil- April 19

18 Apr

You look so apprehended, isn’t it !

Me??? What rubbish, I am not.

Well you are.

How can you be so confident. After all, who are you to figure out what am I up to.

I am yourself.

Oh come on !!!!!!! Numerous times you might have strangled me with this super-divine version of yours. In fact …..

Don’t you ever think this super-divine versionย  of you has reeped more answers for you than your questions?


Too blunt to say that. You look confused actually.

Now whats that?

You are not happy with your life.


Just shut up and listen.

Listen what?

If your heart is aching and your mind is tired, should I sort it out for you or rather let you suffer.


Let me speak now.

As always.

You are not satisfied with the way your present days are running in front of you. You show to people that you are happy. You speak happy. You write in your blogs happy. You tell your parents and close friends that everything is fine. You keep smiling. You keep joking with every other unsatisfied person who comes your way. Just tell me, what compels you to live in such hypocrisy?

99% population of IIT Delhi is unsatisfied and hypocrite. Whats wrong if I portray myself wrong in front of myself. At least I can say to me that I am happy.

There is a difference in saying and being.

Don’t repeat that lecture n^th number of time. Everyone in IIT-D is a liar – a liar to himself. Everyone dwells here in the illusion of success and failure. These Top 2000 brains of the nation are a flock of sheep. In fact, they reached here the same way. Parents tell heir children right in 7^th and 8^th that their only and only GOAL in life is IIT. Everyone prepares JEE blind folded. This year, India had 4.72 lakhs of that blind sheep flock.

When the brightest minds of the nation clash together, hurricanes are bound to arise. More the mind sharpens , more easily it gets crushed or disturbed. You are not happy. Short term happiness is what the bulk of unsatisfied people like you seek out for. Long term satisfaction requires time and patience, waiting for which people give up at IIT.

Who said I am not satisfied with my life.

In fact, you are. But you aren’t. This time you are lying. You have achieved so much in your past two years at IIT. Certain avenues which others can never even imagine of ! But when turning up to satisfaction, you think of those things which you always wished to achieve, but could never, and you never think of your success which you have already conquered. You first blame your luck, then you blame others, and when the limit of blame game crosses several thresholds, you indulge into a torturous feeling of hatred with yourself.

So this way, every person on this earth would end up hating himself, as everyone has infinite demands and dreams unsatisfied.

This is not the truth as you yourself are well aware. Satisfaction is not running away from challenges. Satisfaction does not mean that you stop dreaming and making challenges for yourself. Satisfaction is in fact accepting the challenges which you yourself have build for you, not those which this world has set up for you to linger in.

Satisfaction in itself is a challenge.

The biggest challenge in this universe. It is an outcome of self-control. And the outcome of satisfaction is the biggest asset possible ……

What is that?

Happiness !!!

Wow !!!!

Happiness is what a human being always seeks for ……. whatever he does in the life.

But how to know which is the best way to be happy. I always oscillate in dilemmas regarding finding happiness between two different decisions, which may give me equal amount of happiness, of course I don’t know before hand where I will be getting positive outcome.

I think it’s enough for today.


Let the seeds of satisfaction sow deep inside you for the time being. Ponder over your true satisfactions. Don’t think of success alone, search for satisfaction within failures. Happiness may come automatically. I will call soon again …

Hey, Snehil wait ……

Good Bye Snehil. Let the Quest continue ……………….. !!!!!!!!


Posted by on April 18, 2010 in Uncategorized


10 responses to “Snehil Calling Snehil- April 19

  1. Mihir

    April 19, 2010 at 6:19 pm

    I really like this! And more than that, I’ve had similar thoughts in my head so many times that I instantly thought, “I’ve been here before!” You’ve done a really good job of articulating these thoughts Snehil, I think a lot of IITians must have felt this way at some point!

  2. Aadi jain

    April 19, 2010 at 7:03 pm

    Read it twice with a lot of hope. Guess this one in “”2000 top brains” is really bad at understanding a few things. But i completely agree, happiness is the biggest challenge. I spent a lot of time thinking about it too, and found it depressing. I found it easier to do the task at hand. That makes me much more happy then wondering about what would make me happy. And i think satisfaction comes after happiness but do you really want to be satisfied?

  3. akhil sharma

    April 20, 2010 at 12:17 am

    a classic ! very nicely written ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Ankur khurana

    April 20, 2010 at 12:19 am

    Awesome snehil, I might not be in same evrio as you, but rest assured, everything you wrote was true from my perspective also………Very good post ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Aishwarya

    April 20, 2010 at 12:27 am

    spot on buddy….and pretty innovative style too..good going.

  6. Keshav

    April 21, 2010 at 7:23 pm

    waah kya concept hai!!….. kya socha hai!!….. ‘Alterego’!!!…… kaafi ‘talent’ed ho yaar tum to!!!!

  7. Mohit

    April 23, 2010 at 10:19 pm

    Do a Psychology course….. any of them .. or Positive psychology…
    By the way, what you wrote is correct at some points but some times, you really don’t want to just be happy and satisfy…the life become boring at that point…May be happiness is biggest challenge but if you got it, there will be none of them left to accomplish…. So think about it once again… ๐Ÿ™‚

    And yaa, whether u r happy or not, just have a smile on your face, even it is false.. bcoz some of ur frnds dont want to see u unhappy….

  8. Aayush Agarwal

    April 27, 2010 at 9:43 am

    All this is fine, satisfaction and happiness….

    Been through lot of ups and downs in past 6years of life, so from some little experience I would say,

    Dear snehil 1st try searching for the definition of happiness and satisfaction, then try differentiating betwen the two, and u will see the magic unfold.

    From what I have realized through various events in my life is, u have to be satisfied to be happy, but u cn not be satisfied if u r happy, perplexing?? isnt it??

    try pondering over it…..(wait till majors end ๐Ÿ˜‰ )


  9. Rajat

    May 17, 2010 at 10:54 am

    Very nice post!! I hve a thought:
    pleasure for which we work hard day and night, for which we go beyond emotions, start doing for self, start thinking for self, seem pretty far away from us because at the end of day we are standing there alone.

  10. Hardik

    August 1, 2013 at 2:43 pm

    Wonderfully articulated!


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