Monthly Archives: February 2010

Identity Crisis-The Metal Artefact


With the permission of The Chair

A metal artefact may be a piece of Trophy or a Cup. Some of these metal pieces are reserved in the BRCA office at IIT Delhi for being rewarded to the best hostels in respective Clubs of BRCA.

Dance and Dramatics Trophy

EDLC Trophy

Hindi Samiti Trophy

………… etc, etc.

For winning a trophy of such a kind, some hostels work day and night, sometimes 24 hours a day, sometimes throughout the month, and in some cases, the whole year. There are people who keep storing and updating their database consisting of stats concerning about respective points of their hostels compared to other hostels, sometimes, with some specific hostel, making algorithms regarding “how their points would alter” if they win second or third or in the most probable case, nothing.

Well, IIT Delhi has been engulfed in such sort of bullshit for the past few months.

IIT Delhi was meant to nurture allrounders out of the cream of the nation. To manifest the potential skills within the prodigious brains of India, Competitive clubs were set. Cultural activities were promoted, and soon IIT Delhi became a home ground for some natural and laborious students who later went to become professional actors, national debaters, sportspersons radiating ambient personalities and terrific, mind-wobbling dancers.

Today, what matters to “SOME” IITians is the ‘Prize Tag’. In the mad rush to win a metal trophy, they are ready to manipulate results, set the judges, modify rules in their favour, bring loads of freshers from their hostels to clap again and again for their hostels.

The deserving are often dejected. The undeserving rule the ‘Prize Tag’.

What Ara got in Group Dance is what Zanskar received in Stage Play.

The decision of one or two individuals (judges) decides the fate of a hostel and those who are in power. What determines the decision making mind state of a Judge will always remain a mystery.

Power is at stake.

Reputation is in danger.

Not to forget Political supports which decide the coming generation of Power.

IIT is in Hell.

An unhealthy atmosphere which runs on rubbish nonsense of 1st, 2nd and 3rd with wrong means not denied.

I don’t believe in throwing some individual’s reputation in my blogs or in public.

What I regret is that on 25th Feb, 2010, the Dance and Dramatics Club died in IIT Delhi.

I am proud to say that the whole team of 12 ‘responsible’ people (the reps and the secretary) were ‘responsible’ for this untimely demise.

I persist in a dilemma of calling myself a proud DnD Rep pf Aravali Hostel, who served the Institute DnD Club and his dying hostel (in cultural legacy) with all his might ……… or a dejected individual who couldn’t prevent the death of his Club, the success of which was his dream in a recent past time.

I don’t really care which hostel wins the trophy or which doesn’t. Being a rep, I myself don’t know the points tally at present. May be coz my own hostel didn’t win a single prize, but I cant forget the appreciations I got in all the events.

I realized that you feel satisfied than ever when you loose after giving your best. Winning perhaps increases the greed of a person. This may sound silly to a few, I don’t want any comments on this from some ‘analysts’ and ‘critics’.

Aravali showed its mettle in Dance, while Zanskar did the same in Dramatics.

The winner in these two cases is

The Talent – which was discovered.

The Effort – in mounting up the performance levels from zero to everest.

The Sentiments – which bonded these hostels together.

Some hostels won the ‘Prize’ due to some unknown (yet known) reasons. The word named ‘machana’ has become an anecdote.

Kumaon did everything (some EXTRA efforts) to win everywhere this time.

Fine, they win. Congrats !!!!!

May God rest their souls in peace.

But a request to the whole IIT –

“Let talent flourish, great personalities take birth and satisfied individuals continue the legacy of this Institute. Not that some natural talents who become chu**** in the rat race of getting recognition.”

You don’t get success when you run for it. Success itself comes touching your feet ……… if the feet are firm.

This is the Identity Crisis: The Metal Artefact

With this, I Rest my case ………….

[ My next blog: “Identity Crisis-Semester of Fest” ]


Posted by on February 9, 2010 in Uncategorized