Monthly Archives: November 2010

Gurls Next Door

Ooomphhhh !!

Ooomphhhh !!

Delhi Metro Sucks. Yes, it does !!! I have travelled a hundred times since Ladies Compartment has been separated, and believe me, I dearly remember those glorious days of past. Metro used to be a hunting ground for IITians specially, they got to see a lot of mascara, short skirts and curves after all. Anyways, lets come to the point, just another of my rubbishly down-trodden blog posts; here I am, doing a Mini-Project on my blog on the kind of girls compatible to a Complete Man. (Gosh !!)

So, abiding with my habit of point-wise categorization, here is the synopsis from my frequent gruelling:

1.       Girls with Extreme Mood Swings : These girls will often walk with you for hours chatting and babbling with enormous loudest bursts of laughter, shock, bewilderment, surprise, sadness, disappointment, appointment and all features of emotions discovered by the human race. Some day, this girl will keep you dissolved in herself and make you fulfilled to such an extent that the next day, when you start expecting more, and she says a big “Can you please SHUT UP for a while, I am not in a good mood”, you find yourself to be the one who is guilty.

These girls start governing your moods in turn, and you keep oscillating as in what to do and what not to do to feel her this, to feel her that and mess up your own time. These girls have in them imbibed a misconception that they have the rights to DEMAND, to IMPOSE, to DO, and to PLAN and to CANCEL THE PLAN, on whatever and everything.

How to handle?

You can try a lot of things in fact. Since they are the ones who owe a lot of EXPECTATIONS, start from KILLING them. Killing what? Expectations of course !!! Say frequent NOs ,stop replying them, do a bit of ignoring (even if you don’t want to; some are too good friends).

Dont let yourself to be dominated, try to be more assertive. Females when encounter such a behaviour, it has been observed, it creates huge rushes of fire, hatred, madness and jealous in them. Let them be, believe me, it will work !!!

2.       Best friends who “Already” Own a boyfriend : Well, a complicated case. These girls may be so good to you (they don’t know themselves that they are too good) that you end up with infatuations, despite being the fact that they are already committed. Girls are fools in this course of study; as in, they don’t know the fine line between friend and CLOSE friend. Even if you tell them that you are sentimental, they won’t leave you, coz they just like you too !!! Neither will they let you move out, nor move in.

How to handle?

A single and harsh remedy – leave her, forget her, tell her to take a final stand. If she doesn’t, then take it of your own. Distract yourself from all worldly stuff related to her. Finish it off and throw the story into dustbin. This is hard, really hard, but this is the only option available since the other options never have a future.

3.       Girls who are too mysterious to figure out : They speak less, do a lot of activities to keep themselves busy. They often seem expressionless, taking things as they come automatically. They don’t think much, just do away with stuff. You can’t figure out what is going through their minds. You are often infatuated towards them. You want to get closer, but they never allow you to enter a surrounding shield.

How to handle?

You can do nothing, seriously !!! If you are really attracted, and really want to enter in their lives, you need to be a great initiater then. You will require 10 times more time to reach a level in relationship and closeness  as compared to any other girl !!! You can’t challenge them. You can’t INTERFERE in what they like and what they speak. You can simply Wait for the Time !!!

4.       Girls with Hypothetical Misconceptions about themselves : They think they are always right. They think they are the Most Mature. They even act maturely !!! But they are the biggest Dumbass !!! They define a world of their own, never watch the actual world with someone else’s perspective. They are always hallucinating. More of a planner, less of practical.

How to handle?

Very simple. Keep saying YES in front of her if she is too adamant, and try making desperate efforts to make it a NO as soon as she walks away from you. Run for other people, and run away pulling your socks as if you never want to confront her again !!!

Well, I know this was boring, soo many things out of context, but still , let it be, I love accumulating rubbish !!!

Snehil Basoya


Posted by on November 19, 2010 in Uncategorized


Clearing the Mist ….

Fine and accepted …… a blog post after 4 months, as if the world eagerly needed it in awe !!! It’s high time you know, and when you define the time to be high, you need to be high as well. When your ass is fired up and the avalanche approaches fast, you can’t afford BUT to fire up yourself more and run ferociously. A summary of my 3rd year 1st semester? Naah !!! it’s not a summary, it’s just a pen down of embedded experiences. I need not wait for the majors to end; they have nothing interesting to offer ……  my semester ends with Rendezvous.

Let’s sit together calmly with a supper of tea, fading sun and the shrill November breeze. Lets understand with peace that with just an year to pass out, we need to decide on some serious issues ranging from career and profession to relationships and social circle. The pride and prejudice of the forgotten family, parents, brothers, sisters and their relations with you. And a mystifying blend of dreams and confidence – forgotten and newly born.

You are still nineteen. Let’s stand alongside the Marine Drive thirty years hence, and reflect back your adolescence. Give 60 minutes to the Marine Drive and come out with a smile. A smile, now, may very well be a swine reflection of your resentment. A cunning smile of your regret. A smile full of missed opportunities, waiting for the next one to capture; it won’t come though, as if your fifty years were not enough. A smile full of wrongly taken decisions, with a desire of another chance; chances come and go, they have numerous doorsteps to knock. A smile holding a long thread of fucked up relationships; you demand frivolously for a new life. Marine Drive becomes the only solitude support in this humble world.

Hey listen !!! Don’t rupture. Sit down, fingers crossed. There is still time. Forget your past decisions, over-possessiveness for a few trivial parcels of disturbing hindrances, yourself sticking to a wicked wicket and overflowing testosterones …… forget them ALL. Life isn’t just one more damn eventful year, life if yet to begin; you being a baby inside the womb. Now don’t curb that Marine Drive smile, just provide it ever-longed dimensions.

A smile full of giving your best even in missed opportunities. A smile comprising the entire world. Eyes awaiting pinnacle full of apoplectic spirit. Full of satisfaction derived from miraculously converted end-results of wrongly taken decisions. Take the decisions, have the confidence of turning them your own way, keeping your feet firm at ground and smile all the way. Smile, not just with the Marine Drive, but with every air you breathe in and inside every water you feel.

Life is an industry ……….. and work is the only rest !!!

Snehil Basoya.

PS –

1. A blog exclusively on Street Play 2010 Parivar ……….. after some time though :P.

2. Finally, time for studies.

3. New addiction to English movies and old Hindi songs !!!

4. Extra cautious on money matters.

5. Feels nice returning to blogging once again 🙂


Posted by on November 2, 2010 in Uncategorized